Saturday, January 4, 2020

Presence is key

It is a new year and I am powerfully embodying intentions for my evolution as a human. 😂

While I'd like to go off on a tangent of heart-bursting affirmations here, I am going to keep it real for a moment.

I am talking about self-regulation. Yes -- I am a parent to a toddler who is at the brink of discovering emotions, physical independence and thus regulating all of this. It came to me, in the desire to be a wiser, kinder, more successful parent, what would happen to ME if someone shut down Netflix abruptly as I was happily munching away on my avocado naan toast? Yes, I might lose my zen! "How dare you!?" And how unaware is it of us adults to surmise (I am loving this word these days) that children aren't supposed to say, "Hey there! I was watching Netflix, you know, at least you could give me the respect of a warning before you cut of ma show!!"

In quiet moments, once the noodle is fast asleep in dreamland, I can reflect and realize that with compassion I can observe that my child is a pro at focusing on one task, so deeply, once they are engrossed until their mind alerts them to the next big thing to explore. Being more observant of these nuances will help my kid and I relate to each other better. 

Being a parent is akin to meditation. It's a practice. In the hair-pulling tension of a tantrum, if I keep remembering my child as a state of growth and wonder then I can hold space for this little before me.

In gratitude for presence :-)


Anonymous said...

First step, don't drink when your pregnant. You are such an inspiration to many. I don't know your hardships and you have no clue about mine. Don't assume. I live in a bed, disabled. I go to a soup kitchen everyday. The list goes on.

Anonymous said...

I took your advice and I will see my friend in court. I have so many character witnesses.

Anonymous said...

Actions speak louder than words. I think a lot of people would agree with that. Your actions hurt a lot more than words. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

It's the change of the seasons and my mental illness comes out full force. I'm sure someone who has been hospitalized for your mental health can understand the anger. You don't have to have me in your life, but I did deserved a phone call. People are telling me, that's not how you do things. I see how true that is.

Anonymous said...

When your this angry it's a sign of how hurt you are.

Anonymous said...

And the change of seasons

Anonymous said...

I stood up for you when you HATED, HATED IN HATED, LOATHED YOUR MOTHER. Marcel is just my best friend, he doesn't give me a dime. I would be homeless or stuck in an abusive relationship if my sister didn't help me. I know hardships. I'm grateful everyday that I'm not homeless. I should be .

Anonymous said...

You use people and then throw them away

Anonymous said...

I'm not concerned about people reading this. I think you know why. At this point, I get ghosting me, but before this, I deserved a phone call. Don't buy her work or be her friend. You'll be disappointed

Anonymous said...

Being mindful and present, living in the moments is the only way to maintain sobriety. One day at a time, one second at a time. Just get through the day. I'm telling everyone. Damn this mental health.